Subjects studied
- Business Studies
- Maths
- Physics
What school did you attend previously?
Kesgrave High School
What do you enjoy about
your courses?
Getting to learn new things every day. In Business getting a new perspective on major businesses. I get extra-curricular opportunities through my subjects – such as Young Enterprise from Business
Why did you choose these subjects to study?
I always enjoyed Maths as it just made sense to me. I was really interested to learn about Astronomy and Astrophysics during A-Level Physics. I chose Business randomly but it ended up becoming my favourite subject and what I want to do at University.
Why did you choose to study at Northgate Sixth Form?
I wanted a change from my old school. Northgate offered greater opportunities such as the Ambassador and Aspire Programmes.
"Northgate offered greater opportunities such as the Ambassador and Aspire Programmes."